The Psychologist who Lost Herself in the Therapy Process

This post was written by Jantine Wijtsma, a long time MindSonar professional from the Netherlands. Jantine works mainly in career counseling and we hope that she will continue for many posts to tell us how she is using MindSonar in her daily practice.

I do a lot of career coaching for people who have had to call in sick, because they are in an early stage of burnout. Most of the time they have not actually burned out yet, but the condition does relate to them not knowing why their job doesn’t make them feel healthy any more. They don’t feel good, they lack energy, have vague muscle complaints or headaches, things like that.Continue reading

MindSonar Professionals: Guus Hustinx & Team Building

In this video, trainer and consultant Guus Hustinx from the Netherlands describes how he uses MindSonar for team building. Guus aims to improve cooperation in teams and helps teams solve relationship issues and communication problems. He works mostly in large companies and for government agencies. One important insight he offers, is that MindSonar results often help people put a new frame around their differences. Continue reading

MindSonar Professionals: Koen Lucas & Law Enforcement

Introducing the next MindSonar Professional: Koen Lucas. Koen, a Dutch interim manager and trainer, describes how he uses MindSonar to train law enforcement agents. Note especially, that he has developed separate norm profiles for several different kinds of law enforcement agents (city patrols, building inspectors and environmental security agents). For more information on all MindSonar professionals go here: International Registry.