Please NoteThis page is for people who are signed up for a MindSonar Certification Training.

Hi!I am honored that you have chosen to become a MindSonar Professional. Welcome!In the upcoming training you will learn a lot about mindsets, thinking styles and value sets. And you will learn to apply your understandings to coaching, team building and recruitment. You will learn to get to the heart of people’s thinking…

The way the training is set up, it is important to do some preparation activities. We will be using the results of these activities during our training days.

Looking forward to meeting you and/or getting in touch with you online!

Happy Profiling!

Jaap HollanderPsychologistMindSonar Founder

Things to do before your first training dayTo get started with your MindSonar training, there are a few things I would like you to do. Please do these activities before the first meeting. That way you will be well oriented and much better prepared to benefit from the training program.

  1. Get your license code.
  2. Set up a MindSonar project in your user panel.
  3. Make 4 MindSonar profiles.
  4. Save the reports to a memory stick and print the graphics pages.
  5. Post a message in the International Whatsapp.
  6. Read some of Case Reports.
  7. Read some of background articles.
  8. Read the ebook ‘Mastering Communication’.


1. Getting your license codeTo change settings or download profiles in your MindSonar dashboard, you need your license code. When you sign up for the certification training, the organization offering the training will send you:

  • Your Mindsonar license code
  • Your password for the MindSonar user panel.

What if I did not receive my license code yet?If you have signed up for a MindSonar certification training and you did not receive a license code yet, please contact the organization that is organising the certification.

In case of emergency, they can let you make MindSonar profiles under their license code until you receive your own license code. In this case you will not be able to download your profiles directly. They will download them for you and then mail them to you.

2. Setting up a project in your MindSonar user panelTo log in to your MindSonar user panel

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your license code and password.
  3. Click on the large blue button ‘Projects’
  4. You will need to log in once more (same license code and password)
  5. Click on ‘Add new project’
  6. In the box, fill in – Project name (Choose anything, but we advise to keep it simple on order to avoid typo’s. The name is capital sensitive).- Start date (For now, leave it on today)- End date (No profiles can be made in this project on or after this date)- Number of projects (Set this to at least 4, because you’ll need 4 profiles later. You can set it higher. Some people like to set up one single project and use that all the time).- Select one or more languages that respondents can choose from- Leave the other settings a they are for now.- Remember your project name, you will need to give it to people who make a MindSonbar profile).


3. Making 4 MindSonar profilesNow you are ready to do your first MindSonar profile!Before the first meeting of the certification training, I would like you to do 4 profiles.How to make a profile?

  1. Log into
  2. Enter your license code and the project name (see point 2, above)
  3. Choose your language
  4. Start the profile

How to download a profile?

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your license code and password.
  3. Click on the first large blue button ‘Reports’
  4. You see a list of profiles that are available
  5. Click on the ‘pdf’ logo on the left side in front of the profile name. 
  6. The system will download the profile in pdf format.
  7. If you wish, you can also download ‘pdf description’. This downloads a static document describing the meta programs and the Graves drives.

The 4 profiles to makeProfile 1: At my bestYou are filling out this profile for yourself. For this profile, think of situations where you are at your best. You are in flow. You are feeling great about yourself. You are at your best!

Profile 2: Problem situationYou are filling out this profile for yourself too. For this profile think of a situation – or a type of situations-  where you were not happy with how you responded. You could call this a problem situation or, alternatively,  you could call this a situation where you did not reach certain goals or standards. Before you do this profile, note down the question – about this problem – that you would like to find answers to. “What I would like to understand is….”

Profiles 3 and 4: Other peopleHave two other people fill out MindSonar. You might explain that you are learning to work with MindSonar and you need practice. There are 20 free profiles included in your Certification training.

  • Before they fill out the test, talk to them about the context; the situation – or the type of situations – for which you are going to measure their thinking style.
  • Please remember that MindSonar is not a personality test. You can read more about that here. That’s why you need to choose a context. When they fill out the test, MindSonar will ask them for which context they want to have their thinking style measured.
  • Also, talk with them about the question they would like to answer with the MindSonar profile.
  • They will need your license code and the project name you set up in the user panel before. Direct them to
  • Explain to them that they need to use either a desktop or a laptop computer (no tablet and no smart phone) and that it’s usually better to use a mouse rather than a touch pad.
  • Ask them to switch on their speakers.
  • MindSonar does not work well on tablets and mobile phones, so ask them to use a desktop or laptop computer.
  • Download their profiles from, study the reports and then discuss the results with them. You can e-mail them the report to prepare them for this conversation. Then go over all the graphs with them.
  • Come back to the original question they formulated before the filled out the test. Historical moment: you are doing your first MindSonar interpretation session!

Who might you ask to do this?

  • For instance a colleague who is interested in psychology. They might feel nervous or frustrated with certain people or in certain meetings. They might wonder: How can I respond differently?
  • Or you might have a nephew who is very good at computer gaming but not so good at school work. His parents might wonder: How is he thinking when he’s gaming and how can he apply that kind of thinking more to his school work?
  • Or you might have a friend who wants to start a new business and who is wondering: What are my strong points and what are my pitfalls as an entrepreneur?
  • Or you might have two friends or colleagues who have questions about their relationship. You might profile them both and then discuss their similarities and differences.

You will be practicing with MindSonar, and at the same time you are providing these people with a valuable service.

4. Saving the reports to a memory stick and also print the graphics pagesAnd please bring that memory stick to the training, so we can look at your profiles on a beamer. Also print the graphics page (the page with the diagrams) of each of those four profiles and bring those too.

5. Posting a message on this International MindSonar WhatsAppPost a message In the International MindSonar WhatsApp. To become a member of this group, use this code: 

You can simply say hello and introduce yourself briefly.Or you might have questions or requests for this international group of MindSonar Professionals.

6. Reading some Case Reports

Case Report: Helping a Professional find their Dream Job

Case Report: Helping a Bank develop an Entrepreneurial Attitude

Case Report: Helping a Mining Company Solve an Internal Conflict

Case Report: Helping Debt Collectors get Results in a Socially Responsible Way

Case Report: Helping a Famous Automobile Brand find Good Sales People

Case Report: Helping Child Care Workers become good Auditors

Case Report: Helping Label Apeel Recruit the Right People

Case Report: Helping Dutch Equestrian Team Win the Olympics

Case Report: Helping Pedagogy Interns adapt to their Host Organisation

Case Report: Developing Leadership in the Dutch Military

7. Reading some background articles

What are Meta Programs?

Motivation: ‘What’ or ‘How’ or both?

Do You Follow a Set Path?

How does Proactive/Reactive relate to the ‘Big Five’?

Rotters ‘Locus of Control’, is it the same as our Meta Programs?

‘Options’ versus ‘Procedure’, is it the same as ‘Judging’ versus ‘Perceiving’?

Internal and External Reference, what is the Link with Innovation?

Towards and Away from, what does Motivational Theory say?

Is Proactive the same as Extraverted?

How do Criteria, Values, Meta Programs and Graves Drives Relate to each other?

Do You Notice the Forest or the Tree?

How Do People Make Decisions?

8. Reading the ebook ‘Mastering Communication’ Please read the ebook ‘Mastering Communication’.The price for the book is US$ 15,– Please click here to order it.

Alternatives to this ebookMaybe there is a book in your language that you could read instead of ‘Mastering Communication”. Dutch people, you can order the e-book in English or get the printed book (the original Dutch version).

A Note about your free profilesYour certification training includes a number of free profiles which you may use up until a year after the first training day.

You will need some of these profiles for training assignments (like the 4 profiles mentioned above). You may use the rest in whatever way you see fit. If you want to sell them as part of coaching or consulting services, that’s fine with us. Some participants earn back a part of their training fee that way.

More Questions?If you have any urgent questions or requests that your local distributor cannot answer, feel free to contact me directly.Jaap 6 34 11 0996


  1. I’ve read the instructions, watched the movie, and set up my first project.
    I’ve also downloaded the book and have read a lot of it.
    I have one person ready to take the test and will get a second today.
    I’m looking forward to class and meeting you this weekend in Salt Lake City.

  2. Hi Dena, Great! Looking forward to meeting you too. We’re traveling to Salt Lake today. All the best!

  3. Read page and completed first two profiles. See you on Friday. MAP

  4. Fascinating

  5. Hi Jaap,
    I’ve set up a project per the instructions and video – taken the 2 tests myself with the above contexts – had 2 people take the tests and they picked their own contexts – discussed the testing with them – emailed them their results – transferred the 4 tests to my stick drive (plus one test I took in Feb on “Relationship To Money”) – printed in color the corresponding 5 graphics pages (Staples did it for 49 cents per page) – am reading the e-book and plan to be finished by the start of class – and posted my msg on this page. Looking forward to this weekend.

  6. Hi Craig, Thanks for your comment. It was great to meet you in Salt Lake!

  7. Hi Jaap,
    on your request, I’m (re)processing
    the information and looking forward to meet
    up again on Tuesday at the start of the
    2013 Dutch MindSonar season 😉

    warm regards

  8. Ik heb pas laat ingeschreven en intussen wel veel gelezen en de video’s bekeken.Ik zie uit naar morgen.
    met vriendelijke groet,

  9. Hi Jaap,

    I’ve read all the information on this site, watched the movie and i’m waiting for my licence code to make my first profiles….

    I’m looking forward to the training…


    • Hi Eelko, Let me check with Jan Dirk about that code, I think you should have received it already….

  10. Morgen de start van het eerste blok van de training. Ik ben er van overtuigd dat dit het begin zal zijn van een aantal inspirerende dagen die er toe zullen leiden dat ik de tool en de metaprogramma’s nog beter zal inzetten tijdens mijn verschillende activiteiten.


  11. Hello Jaap,

    Alles begrepen, tot zo dadelijk ! Ik heb er zin in.


  12. Het eerste blok was erg inspirerend. Ik merk dat ik bewuster luister en kijk en ontdek veel metaprogramma’s als ik gesprekken voer, beslissingen neem en zelfs als ik tv kijk. Ik heb ook een eerste gesprek gevoerd met een bedrijf voor de opdracht om een metaprofielanalyse van een groep te doen.
    Ik kijk uit naar het volgende blok!

    Groeten, Esther

  13. Hi Jaap!
    I am doing my profiles and looking forward to meeting you next week in San Francisco!

    • Hi Lisa,
      I am already in San Francisco. See you Thursday!
      All the Best,

  14. Looking forward to taking the class next week in the SF Bay Area. Did not yet get my license key and password. Have emailed NLPca about it. Read through materials, with exception of the book, and watched all videos. Did my profile last week, and have two others potentially ready do their profiles. Good stuff!

    • Hi Marilyn,

      Thanks for your response!
      Either our programmer (Jan Dirk) or NLPCA office (Paul Hallbom) shoud be sending you your codes soon.
      Hope you already have them by now…..
      Looking forward to seeing you Thursday!

      All the Best,

  15. Jaap,
    This is neat stuff. Looking forward to tomorrow!


  16. I am looking forward to learning with you this week! Lani

    • Hi Lani! Looking forward to meeting you. Thanks for your message.

  17. Today I joined in the Mindsonar training for tomorow. Exciting!
    Looking forward.

  18. Tomorrow I am going to start with the Mindsonar Certification Program. I made my first project and did the two personal profiles. Amazing how much the test reveals. Looking forward to the training.

  19. Hi Jaap,

    After some time we’ve met again during the last training, it was a pleasure. I’ve done three MS analysis until now and one of them is used in personal coaching of a customer. Very helpful to see that you can even detect when the participant is switching between the context ‘Ist’ (What is) and ‘Soll’ (What should be). Very helpful for me in this matter was the manual in specific the correlation between the meta programs. It told me more about the mutual relationships. And yes I’ve learnd a clear context and a good instruction is very important.

    It was a very interesting start, can’t wait to learn more.

    See you soon
    Rolf Scheerder

    • Hi Rolf,

      It was good to see you again too, and thanks for you kind words! I was wondering: how did you see when the participant was switching from ‘ist’ to ‘soll’? Was that from their non-verbal behavior or from the profile(s)?

  20. Hoi Jaap,

    Wat kleine onderwerpen als feedback naar aanleiding van jouw vraag in de e-learning mail:

    Mogelijke verbeteringen in de test zelf: een wat meer uitgebreide uitleg van de graves categorieën ( in plaats van een enkel woord).

    Mogelijke verbeteringen in de rapporten: De uitleg van elk metaprogramma (in meerdere kolommen) begint gelijk na de specifieke beschrijving. Daardoor lopen de kolommen over naar de volgende pagina. Krijg terugkoppeling dat het niet erg overzichtelijk is. Als de uitleg standaard op een volgende pagina begint, hoef ik niet voor elke rapportage 13 keer een pagebreak in te voegen. ( wat ik nu in het vervolg doe).

    Verder helemaal prima!

  21. Hi Jaap,

    ik heb afgelopen week ‘gestudeerd en gestampt’ om synoniemen voor alle metaprogramma’s te kunnen benoemen. Want aankomende week heb ik 3 interpretatiegesprekken gepland met personen die de test voor mij hebben ingevuld. Ook heb ik dinsdag een afspraak met mijn werkgroepje. Dus actief bezig met me zelf de mindsonar eigen te maken. Je ontvangt nog feedback op de test en het verslag van me. Fijn weekend!

  22. Zo…. eindelijk heb ik de weg gevonden om richting te geven aan het meer theoretische deel van Mindsonar. Na langzaam optrekken, heb ik wat meer tijd ietwat gas te geven. De gesprekken met de MS tests “andere personen” was intensief en leerzaam.

  23. Hola Jaap, cómo estás?
    Estoy muy entusiasmada con este nuevo aprendizaje y al respecto, quería saber si el libro tiene su versión en español, pues para leerlo en inglés, la verdad es que me demoraré mucho y mi comprensión no será al 100%.
    Entiendo además, que me llegará un mail de Amazon para poder encargarlo?, entendí bien?

    muchos saludos

  24. Hi Jaap,

    Just signed up for the training in Warsaw! Going through the prep now…
    Looking forward to meeting you next Monday 🙂


  25. Looking forward to meet You again in Warsaw next week! I am so glad to have an opportunity to learn something new & useful 🙂 Trembling Coachelette :)))

  26. I’m starting

  27. Dag Jaap,

    Nog bedankt voor je bereidwillige medewerking!!
    Filmpjes bekeken; ook de Graves Drives heel bijzonder. Inmiddels een Mindsonarprofiel gemaakt en 4 bij relaties in werking gezet. Het lezen van ‘Voorbij je eigen wijze’ nu op dreef. Dus….ik ben er helemaal klaar voor. Genieten.

  28. Alles doorgenomen en ‘ready to go’ komende week. Ik zie erg uit naar de training en de mogelijkheden die het programma biedt. In de begeleidende brief zag ik dat er gesproken werd over 20 profielen, in bovenstaande tekst zag ik staan ‘ There are 30 free profiles included in your Certification training’. Graag ontvang ik hier nog wat opheldering over.
    Met warme groet, Xandra

  29. On very Sunny day I’m preparing for the training next week!

    Looking forward to it! See you next week!

  30. After reading the instructions, watched the movies, bought the books, set up my first project, saved the report to an usb stick and also printed the graphics pages:
    I’m looking forward tot start tomorrow with the MindSonar Certification Training 2015 in the Netherlands


  31. De eerste vijf profielen zijn gereed. Ik word steeds enthousiaster en heb bijzonder veel zin om met de opleiding MindSonar te starten op 13 april 2015

  32. Ik heb alle voorbereidingen gedaan. Het is allemaal zeer duidelijk. De test invullen is best een klusje. De context elke keer weer voor ogen houden, is wel belangrijk. Je beantwoord vragen dan toch net even op een andere manier. Note: het muziekje tijdens de test is wel een beetje irritant. Dat vonden ook mijn andere 2 respondenten.
    Morgen begint de training; ik heb er zin in.

  33. Hi Jaap,

    I’ve read all the posts and pages as mentioned above. It’s very interesting to see all the different ways to apply Mindsonar. I am very curious how to work with Mindsonar and to use it to help people change their thinking if there are trapped within themselves.

    See you on Monday .

  34. Vanuit het zonnige zuiden klaar voor het komende blok. De eerste mindsonars zijn afgenomen. Ontzettend enthousiast over de effectiviteit!

    Groet Jan Jonk-Bun

  35. Goedendag,

    Na het volgen van het eerste trainingsblok heb ik veel gelezen over de metaprogramma’s en het gebruik van de test. Nu tijd voor de volgende actie: dus vandaag de eerste test uitgezet, uiteraard nadat ik de testinstructie heb gegeven. Ik ben heel benieuwd.

    Vriendelijke groeten, Janneke van Dijk

  36. Dag Jaap,

    De voorbereidingen zijn nagenoeg klaar en begin was al gemaakt met één van de boeken. Ik heb erg veel zin in de start volgende week.

  37. Zo, mijn 1e profiel voor de opleiding is binnen. Leuk hoor ! Tot donderdag !

  38. Veel mogelijkheden en mooi materiaal om me goed te kunnen bereiden op de komende Mindsonar certificatie training! (opties, voldoet wel:-)). Jammer dat de informatie en instructies hierover slechts een week voor de start van de training in mijn bezit zijn (voldoet niet), want ik heb graag gelegenheid om me goed te kunnen voorbereiden (binnen controle, informatie, naar toe:-)).
    Ik heb er zin in! (toekomst, ontwikkeling:-)!
    Tot donderdag,
    hartelijke groeten, Nanda

  39. Hello,

    well I started in april with the first block of the Mindsonar.
    It’s a inspiration to work with Mindsonar and to learn how to use it.

    Greetings, Miranda

  40. ha Jaap

    I have read the intruduction

  41. Hoe meer je er mee bezig bent des te duidelijker de vele toepassingsmogelijkheden worden.

    Hartelijke groet, Kees

  42. He leido la introducción, estoy por subir los proyectos a la página, muy emocionado por comenzar la certificación en Ecuador

  43. Hello! I am very excited about the MindSonar Certification in Ecuador. This tool for understanding human thinking has certainly no equal here.

  44. test comment

  45. Hi. I’ll be joining the training in Leicester, UK in November. Looking forward to learning more there.

    Best wishes

    • identicon

      Ann, we are looking forward to you joining the MindSonar Global family. Ian & Jaap

  46. Enjoying the new learning and look forward to using this within many contexts of my business including the sport, psychotherapy and life coaching environment.

    • identicon

      Great to have you on board-it would be great to get your thoughts and theirs after you have used the tool with a client.

  47. We are looking forward to understanding more about the MindSonar and how it can be used with our clients.

  48. Hi Jaap,

    Goed uitgelegd en leuke filmpjes!

    • Thanks Judith.
      id you qlso see the distance learning section?

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