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MindSonar Professionals: Cella van der Staak & Team Building

Dutch psychologist Cella van der Staak talks about how she uses MindSonar in her team building work with multinational companies, where very different cultures need to work together in unison.

Cella is not only a psychologist, but she also worked for many years as a financial controller in an big company. She therefore speaks the language of high level executives and she knows from inside what they are up against. As well as speaking the language of change and the language of inner experience.

We are posting another video where Cella explains in some more detail how she does a team building training.


  1. Fantastic, practical application of Mindsonar! I’m an executive in a large corporation and team building among diverse groups is one of the keys to increasing output and efficiency. I’m going to have to explore how I can incorporate MindSonar in my division.

  2. So in a team building system mindsonar works in a way that analyses each individual to pinpoint the strength and weakness of the group. In theory one can easily switch the responsibility of an individual to better match their strength, thus making the group to work more efficiently. I’m very intrigued to say the least.

  3. It is fantastic to see someone out there attempting to bring people together and get them to work alongside each other, the world needs more people willing to break the cultural line and bind us together.

  4. What an unexpected application for mindSonar, at least in my mind. I admire Cella van der Staak’s creativity, and would like to hear more about her experiences using the program with different firms. I am also a consultant, though not a psychologist, and I see now how I can get MindSonar to work for me.

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