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MindSonar Professionals: Guus Hustinx & Team Building

In this video, trainer and consultant Guus Hustinx from the Netherlands describes how he uses MindSonar for team building. Guus aims to improve cooperation in teams and helps teams solve relationship issues and communication problems. He works mostly in large companies and for government agencies. One important insight he offers, is that MindSonar results often help people put a new frame around their differences. Where often people will see different thinking styles as ‘odd’ or ‘dumb’ or ‘ineffective’, Guus helps them understand that differences in Meta Programs can make a team stronger, as long as these differences are accepted and used as a source of flexibility rather than a source of conflict.

He also does an interesting personal branding project that he styarted with in a large accountancy firm, based on MindSonar measurements as well. This project he describes in another movie.


  1. Great video that emphasizes the importance and the value in diversity of a team. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I could see the value in working in a group to use Mindsonar to pinpoint individual weakness and strength, but I wonder if this wouldn’t lead to individuals trying to overcompensate for their weaknesses. I understand that he phrases the negative aspects in different ways to I guess soften the meaning, but more often than not people instantly get discouraged upon facing criticism and that’s a genuine concern for me when using a technique like Mindsonar. I don’t know about using it in a group setting.

    • Hi David, MindSonar is being used a lot in teams here in Europe. We try to point out that each metaprogram has its strong points and its weak points in a given context. So there are no ‘bad’ metaprograms. As a matter of fact a lot of our work is to reframe negative attitudes in teams about other team member’s metaprograms. On the other hand in the MindSonar interpretation texts we want to be realistic in the sense that we also want to point out the disadvantages. So you are absolutely right, some people can get discouraged or irritated by that. But you’d have to be pretty sensitive to criticism. The MindSonar professional using the test should be able to deal with that.

  3. I can definitely see where MindSonar would help bring a team together, but I think that it’s very much to the credit of Guus and his team that they could get such clear benefits from it. There are some teams in my firm that I doubt would see the opportunity in a program like MindSonar, but that’s clearly due to other problems that they have.

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