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Here are some answers

I am entering the license code Gm8769, plus the correct project code, and I get the error message ‘Undefined error. Please contact administrator’. I tried GM8769, with two capitals, but that doesn’t work either.

Solution: You almost solved it, but rather than two capitals you should have used two lower case characters: gm8769.

How does this happen? Some text processors automatically make the first letter a capital when you start a sentence. This causes the license code to start with a incorrect capital, thus rendering it ineffective…

Contact one of the professionals in the MindSonar Registry. You can search by country. Many of them will be available to do a MindSonar profile with you.

The profiling process has three parts:

  1. Preparation – Defining the question you would like to answer with your MindSonar profile.
  2. Filling out MindSonar – Online.
  3. Interpretation – Discussing your profile with the MindSonar professional.

It generally takes between 40 and 60 minutes.

The cost of doing a MindSonar profile has two elements: the cost of the profile itself plus the payment for of the MindSonar Professional working with you. It is not possible to do a MindSonar profile without consulting a MindSonar professional. So basically it depends on who you consult. Go to the Registry and contact a MindSonar professional in your area.

Coaching or consultation usually consists of a preparation interview (often through Skype or phone) about the question you want to answer with MindSonar. And after the profiling, an interpretation interview (preferably live) about what the results mean and how the relate to your question.

So for the exact cost, you’ ll have to talk to the MindSonar professional you want to work with. For a list click here.

MindSonar is not a personality test. Personality tests will say what you are like as a person. Always and everywhere. Many people feel confined by this. And it’s not just tests. In general, people tend to ‘type’ others: “He is a typical X”, “She is a typical Y”. Personalty test do this too – be it in a more scientific way. The ‘Big Five’ test is officially based on how people in general typecast each other. Some old personality tests (like the MMPI) will even say how sick or healthy your personality is in psychiatric terms.

MindSonar measures how you think in a given situation. Two things are important here. When MindSonar says that you think in a certain way – in a certain situation – it is understood that you will think differently in different situations. So you are not ‘put in a box’ or ‘pinned to a type’. Also, MindSonar does not assume that certain thinking styles are good or bad, or healthy or sick. MindSonar assumes that all thinking styles have their hour of glory, sometime, somewhere.

At present (2018) we have:
– English
– French
– Spanish
– Dutch
– Polish
– German (Measurement only, no German report yet)
– Japanese (measurement only, no Japanese report yet).

No, sorry. We are making a clear and definite choice for the combination measurement plus professional.

First of all, we see great value in the guidance that a trained MindSonar professional can offer you. We believe that the combination of the measurement and the professional is much more powerful that just the measurement by itself. See also this post (Why MindSonar has professional users only).

Secondly, it costs a fortune to develop something like MindSonar, so we need the money to finance further development.

MindSonar is available in a growing number of countries.

All current MindSonar distributors are listed here. Please contact the distributor nearest to your country or in the same language group.

That depends on who you are and the kind of network you have. It takes time and effort to be a MindSonar distributor. On the other hand, it can be exciting to be involved in innovative MindSonar projects and be part of the international ‘MindSonar Family’. Also, being a distributor can earn your a steady, long term income. For more information please go here.


For MindSonar training. please contact the distributor in your country. Click here for the list of current distributors.

Not necessarily. Someone who scores high on ‘mismatching’, focuses on what is wrong. Mismatching is critical thinking. This can certainly be done in a way that irritates other people. But it can also be done in a way that the mismatcher is a valuable quality control, or an appreciated fighter for justice.


Fill out this form and we will change your listing in the registry accordingly.

Of course, that is a very serious matter for us. Send us an email and we will investigate and take legal action if necessary.

Certainly, this is one of the most popular applications of MindSonar.

Certainly, this application of MindSonar is not as popular as coaching and team building, but it’s absolutely possible. We have a MindSonar process called ‘Merger Mirco Surgery’. Contact us if you want to know more.

MindSonar is not a personality test. Personality tests will say what you are like as a person. Always and everywhere. Many people feel confined by this. And it’s not just tests. In general, people tend to ‘type’ others: “He is a typical X”, “She is a typical Y”. Personalty test do this too – be it in a more scientific way. The ‘Big Five’ test is officially based on how people in general typecast each other. Some old personality tests (like the MMPI) will even say how sick or healthy your personality is in psychiatric terms.

MindSonar measures how you think in a given situation. Two things are important here. When MindSonar says that you think in a certain way – in a certain situation – it is understood that you will think differently in different situations. So you are not ‘put in a box’ or ‘pinned to a type’. Also, MindSonar does not assume that certain thinking styles are good or bad, or healthy or sick. MindSonar assumes that all thinking styles have their hour of glory, sometime, somewhere.

In short, our privacy policy is this:

  • We will use your information to generate reports on your thinking style.
  • We will share these reports with the MindSonar Professional whose licence code you used when entering your information.
  • We will guard your information as best we can with electronic and social security measures.
  • We will never sell your information.
  • We may use your information for scientific research, but you will not be recognisable in the research papers.
  • We will completely remove your information as quickly as possible when you ask us to.

For complete text, please go here.

Don’t see your question?

Ask it here and we’ ll put it in the FAQ’s:


For certification training and other MindSonar events in your country, please see our international Distributors List.


Only registered MindSonar Professionals have the right to use the MindSonar seal in their communications.


The Registry is maintained by MindSonar Global.
Sterreschansweg 34, 6522 GR Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Chamber of Commerce Registration: NL-10142706