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MindSonar Privacy Policy

What is GDPR?
MindSonar is GDPR compliant. The GDPR is the European Privacy Law, which was instated in 2018. Basically, this law gives people control over the personal information that is being stored about them. Also, you have to give explicit permission to have your information stored and you have the right to see what is stored about you and to demand it be erased.

Take, for instance, the famous ‘Download This Free E-Book’ forms. When you downloaded the e-book and gave them your email address, you would then receive promotions from that company. This was, for most people, an implicit understanding: I trade my email address for the book. But with the advent of the GDPR, this is no longer legal in Europe. You need to get explicit permission for your promotions. So this text would now read: ‘Subscribe to Our Newsletter and Get the E-Book for Free’. More explicit, more transparent.

A good thing
Actually, I think this has been a good thing. Of course there are still plenty of excessive, illegal and often invisible data gatherings going on. But at least the EU government now has some tools to fight this. So while I am not happy with all the work it entails for small companies like MindSonar, I am definitely proud of the resulting privacy upgrade!

Europeans and Non-Europeans
At MindSonar Global we decided to not distinguish between Europeans and Non-Europeans in terms of privacy. I think right now, Europe has the strictest privacy laws and we want to extend that level of protection to everyone, no matter where they live.

Our Privacy Policy describes why and how we collect and use the personal information of your respondents (people who fill out their information for a MindSonar Profile). It also describes their options to choose how we use their personal data and how to contact us with any concerns and requests.

And as always: suggestions are welcome, go ahead and comment.

Read our Privacy Policy here

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