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Teambuilding with MindSonar, Cella van der Staak, Part II

Part II. Dutch psychologist Cella van der Staak talks some more about how she uses MindSonar in her team building work with multinational companies, where very different cultures need to work together in unison. In this video she explains in some more detail how she conducts a training like that. Cella is not only a psychologist, but she also worked for many years as a financial controller in an big company. She therefore speaks the language of high level executives and she knows from inside what they are up against. As well as speaking the language of change and the language of inner experience.

We are posting another video where Cella explains in some more detail how she does a team building training.


  1. I’m not a psychologist but as a person who has to meet and make deals with strangers on a regular basis throughout the year, I do understand the importance of getting to know the people you work with outside of their work mindset. With that said I could see the enormous value in applying mindsonar in my business and evaluating my employees from a different angle. In fact, mindsonar’s something that I’d like to implement on myself first to get a better grasp of my own strength and weaknesses as a leader.

  2. It seems very complex but im sure when the hard yards are done the work begins to pay off. If people are willing to learn and someone is willing to teach then it is a recipe for success, good luck to you and thanks for the great video.

  3. These are definitely some very powerful concepts that Ms Van der Staak is laying out right here, but I’ll admit that I’m a little lost as to exactly how I could put them to work for me and my team. Any more targeted advice as to how MindSonar can work for teams?

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